Established in year 2000, BHARTIYA PUBLIC SCHOOL SULTANPUR HIGH is located in the periphery area of Chamba Town Himachal Pradesh state of India. The School is affiliated with HP Board of School Education In Mc Chamba area of Chamba block of Chamba district. Area pincode is 176314.The School was established to serve the needs of growing Chamba Town. Over the years, the school has earned praise for its continuous improvement in student test scores AND consistently high levels of parent satisfaction. The School is fully digitilzed being online, educom smart classrooms,computer education,attendance through RFID Cards etc.
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The school environment enables children to live free & passionate lives and being a digital school, it ignites a flame of positive future; a future that holds million aspirations, astounding energies and marvelous hopes for young brains.
Director's Desk
The Bhartiya Public School Chamba was established in the year 1971 with a object to impart every kind of education which has directly or indirectly the object or effect of popularizing strengthening and developing Aryan Sanskriti with Sh. Sagar Chand Nayyar as its first Chairman and Mr. Kuldeep Chand Chowfla,
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Establish Year